©SABOT 2023

objects of desire

July 30 - September 27, 2015

Opening: Thursday, July 30, 7-10 p.m.

Marius Bercea
Răzvan Botiș
Stefano Calligaro
Radu Comșa
George Crîngașu
Arantxa Etcheverria
Nona Inescu
Nicolás Lamas
Vlad Nancă
Ioana Stanca

will take you to a place where there’s no pace
things are hot without the news
and goddess Nike is blessing the losers
where less is more (more or less)
somewhere where All-Yo!
a place where Madagascar Vanilla and Crema Fiorentina
meet within the space
from any point to any other point
where we sh, sh, sh, share
picture yourself under a boat in a river
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

Coolness support: Moritz Eis

Opening with Moritz Eis cream tasting and Chlorys sounds